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Ape-X Beaked Point Hooks Product Features: Ultra-sharp Beak point Super-strong Japanese Carbon 80 Steel 10° Downturned eye Forged Bend & Shank Unique RM-Tec Gun Metal Coating Long Needle Point with Micro Barb Overview: Combining many years of manufacturing and angling experience, the Ape-X hook range has been designed to cover every carp and specimen fishing situation. Extensively tested for over two years, our state of the art manufacturing processes utilise the most advanced hook point technology available which allowed us to create a range of hooks that are unrivalled in strength, sharpness and point durability ensuring you can use the ApeX range in any scenario with 100% confidence. Product Specification: Available in barbed Sizes 4/6/ 25 per pack
Ape-X Medium Curve Hooks Product Features Ultra-sharp Straight point Super-strong Japanese Carbon 80 Steel 16° Downturned eye Forged Bend & Shank Unique RM-Tec Gun Metal Coating Long Needle Point with Micro Barb Overview Combining many years of manufacturing and angling experience, the ApeX hook range has been designed to cover every carp and specimen fishing situation. Extensively tested for over two years, our state of the art manufacturing processes utilise the most advanced hook point technology available which allowed us to create a range of hooks that are unrivalled in strength, sharpness and point durability ensuring you can use the Ape-X range in any scenario with 100% confidence. Product Specification Available in barbed 25 per pack
Ape-X Curve Hooks Product Features: Ultra-sharp Straight point Super-strong Japanese Carbon 80 Steel Straight eye Forged Bend & Shank Unique RM-Tec Gun Metal Coating Long Needle Point with Micro Barb Overview Combining many years of manufacturing and angling experience, the ApeX hook range has been designed to cover every carp and specimen fishing situation. Extensively tested for over two years, our state of the art manufacturing processes utilise the most advanced hook point technology available which allowed us to create a range of hooks that are unrivalled in strength, sharpness and point durability ensuring you can use the Ape-X range in any scenario with 100% confidence. Product Specification Available in barbed Sizes 4/6 25 per pack
Le leadcore Mimicker est redoutable grâce à son immitation parfaite d'herbiers qu'on pourrait trouver au fond de l'eau. Très efficace dans les eaux où les poissons sont méfiants. Vous pouvez le combiner à la Tresse Mimicker Katran pour un résultat optimum. Conditionnement : 3 Leadcore de 70 cms en 45 lb
La tresse gainée MANTA est une tresse gainée composée de fibres de Dyneema et de Tualon. Dotée d'une forte résistance à la rupture (45 LB) elle sera redoutable pour des combats puissants ou dans les obstacles. Indispensable atout en rivière elle saura résister sur les pierres ou autres coquillages coupants grâce au Tualon. Elle est revêtu avec un composé élastique rendant la tresse semi-souple.
Le Tapered Shock Leaders Galaxy Cast Katran est une tête d'arrache conique (queue de rat). Chaque tête de ligne mesure 12 mètres et il y en a 5 par bobine. Les leaders permettent des lancers très appuyés grâce à leur forme conique et à leur revêtement très lisse. Ils résistent bien à la torsion. Fabriqués à partir de nylon de haute qualité avec une forte résistance à l'abrasion.